Stormwater District

Stormwater District - Septic Smart (EPA)

Do Your Part, Be Septic Smart

Your septic system is part of your home and your responsibility.

Don’t wait until you have issues with your septic system. Protect your home investment and avoid costly replacement—call a licensed septic tank contractor today.

  • Have your septic tank inspected and pumped out by a licensed septic tank contractor as needed (on average every three to five years).
  • Protect your system by practicing simple, daily tips.

Keep it Protected—Get it Inspected!

Have your septic tank inspected and pumped out by a licensed septic tank contractor as needed (on average every three to five years).

Don’t Strain your Drain!

Use water efficiently to avoid overtaxing your system. Fix household leaks, run the dishwasher and clothes washer only on full loads, and consider installing high-efficiency fixtures.

Think at the Sink!

Don’t pour grease, fats, or harmful chemicals like paints and solvents down your sink. They can clog or harm your system.

Don’t Overload the Commode!

Do not flush non-degradable items such as dental floss, diapers, coffee grounds, or feminine hygiene products.

Shield your Field!

Care for your drainfield by only planting grass, not driving or parking on it, and reducing roof and surface water drainage near the drainfield.

Know your part, be SepticSmart!

Learn more at

Septic Smart