Warren County Engineer's Office Header

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find an answer to your question?
Call the Tax Map Department at (513) 695-1190.

Does the office provide a surveyor to identify property lines or corners?

No, the office does not provide a surveyor. You can find surveyors in the phone book. We recommend you contact at least 3 for price comparison and request references. Keep in mind, the lowest price is not always the best quality of work.

Can I get a copy of information for my property such as aerial photo, survey, plat, etc.?
  • Yes, all of the information we have is available to the public. You must come into the office to get copies. The prices for paper copies is as follows:
  • 8 X 11 $0.15
  • 11 X 17 $0.25
  • 18 X 24 $0.35
  • 24 X 36 $0.50
How do I get a copy of my deed?

If you can satisfactorily identify the property, the office can provide a parcel identification number (which can also be found on your tax bill). You will then need to contact the Recorder's office to get a copy of your deed using that identification number.

Do you pre-approve legal descriptions?

No, with the exception of the actual Certificate of Transfer or Sheriff's Deed to be recorded, we do not pre-approve documents.

How current are your records?

We try to maintain the records in the office on a daily basis, so our "in-house" records show all activity up to current day. The records provided on-line may be as much as 6 months behind. We recommend you come into the office to get current records.

Can you help me resolve a property line dispute with my neighbor?

No, we can not resolve the dispute. We can provide you or your attorney with any public records requested from our files.

Can you prepare a legal description for me?

No, we recommend you seek legal council for preparing legal descriptions.

Can you remove a name from my property records?

No, we recommend you contact an attorney for the proper procedure to have an owners name removed.

I think your records are wrong, how do I get you to change them?

We want to make our records as complete and accurate as possible. Please provide us with your research. We will review it and make changes as necessary.

How accurate are propery lines on the maps?

Our maps are a geographical representation of deeds and plats. They were developed to provide identification of properties for the Auditor's tax records. We believe they are accurate to plus or minus 5 feet (10 feet total) to actual field measurements.

How can I find the farm my family owned in the 1800's?

We recommend you contact the historical society.

How do I find all of the property owners' names and addresses within a specified radius of my home or business?

We recommend you contact the data department.

Can you mail me copies of my records?

Yes, we will need payment in advance and you will have to provide us with a list of the documents you need.

Do you have road maps for distribution?

Yes, if you come into the office, the first map is free. Please contact us for exact prices if you need maps mailed to you.

What easements are on my property?

A title exam would need to be conducted to determine what easements apply to your property. Our office does not conduct title exams. Our maps do not show easements. If you have a legal description of an easement, we will aid you in locating the easement on the maps.

Who provides utilities for my home or business?

We do not have a list of service providers.

Can you give me a plot plan of my property?

We can provide a copy of an aerial photo with a property line overlay. The aerial photo may not show your house if it was built after the photo was taken. We do not have information in regards to the relationship of the house to the property lines.

Can surveyors make their submissions for review by email?

Yes, we accept digital submissions of survey plats as PDF files with a page size of 24.00 x 18.00 inch and legal descriptions as PDF files with a page size of either 8.50 x 11.00 or 8.50 x 14.00 inch for review. Final submissions shall be hard copies of descriptions and mylar plats.

The first submission of a subdivision plat located within a municipality shall be a PDF file along with three sets of hard copies size 24.00 x 36.00 inch. The project will be entered into the new submission review queue once the hard copies are received. PDF files are sufficient for additional review requests unless noted otherwise on the comments email. Final submissions shall be mylar plats. Contact Warren County Regional Planning Commission concerning subdivisions located outside of municipality boundaries.

Please submit review requests to taxmap@co.warren.oh.us. It is helpful to us to include in the subject line the owner, client, or plat name.

Can you fax my documents to me or receive a fax from me?

No, we do not have a fax machine in the Tax Map Department as it is not necessary for our normal course of business.

Can you plot my survey or plat for me on Mylar?
  • Yes, the cost for Mylar prints are as follows:
  • 18 X 24 $2.00
  • 24 X 36 $3.50
Can you receive my documents for recording?

No, please send your documents with payment and completed forms to the Recorder's office. They will route the documents through the apporpriate offices.

What documents are available in the Tax Map Department?
  • We have the following public records:
  • -Maps illustrating the property lines per conveyance
  • -Survey records
  • -Plat records
  • -Historical maps from 1875, 1905, 1910, 1977, 1978, 1986, and 2000 to present.
How long does it take to get my survey, plat, condominium, or annexation drawings reviewed?

We try to review documents with 3 business days of submission. It may take longer based on work volume and the complexity of your plans.

How long does it take to process my property split?

It usually takes 30 minutes per parcel if all of your paper work is properly filed.

How long does it take to approve my legal description for recording?

Most legal descriptions can be reviewed in 5 minutes. It may take longer if it is an older description, there are discrepancies, there are multiple exceptions, etc.

I work for a company that has a volume of documents for review in Tax Map Department before recording. What do I do?

Most companies have a folder in our office for drop off. Place your documents in the folder or request a folder if you do not have one. The documents are processed in the order they are received. Internally relayed documentation (from the Recorder's, Sheriff's, and Courts for example) takes precedence over other work. We recommend you bring your documents in at least 1 day before your deadline for recording. In some extreme cases, it may take up to 2 days to process your documents. Plan accordingly.

What are your business hours?

The office is open to the public from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Keep in mind, the Auditor's office opens at 8:30 AM and both the Auditor's and Recorder's offices stop processing documents at 4:00 PM.

Can you provide property information for me on the phone?

We try to provide information over the phone but are not responsible if the information we provide is incorrect. We recommend you come into the office to get accurate information.

What types of documents must I bring to your office?

Any document that contains a legal description for real property. These include deeds, mortgages, liens, easements, and releases. If you are not certain, please ask.