The Highway Maintenance Department provides for the safe and efficient operation of 267.499 miles of county roadway. They make up the majority of the Warren County Engineer’s Office staff.
This group of employees is responsible for the maintenance of the existing county highway system. They are required by law to maintain a CDL operator’s license. The types of duties they perform are tree trimming; brush cutting; installing concrete box culverts, drainage pipe, and catch basins; building and repairing drain tile, retaining walls, guardrail, and embankments; clearing debris from stream channels and drainage ditches; removing unsafe trees from the public right-of-way; setting up work zones; roadside mowing; shoulder repair; new road construction; and emergency situations. Our employees may be called upon for emergency situations, storm clean-up, trees down, flooding and other road hazards. Snow and Ice Control is our most challenging weather event. It is the job of the Highway Department to make travel on our highway system a safe commute, regardless of weather conditions.